Real Name: none officially specified; known as the Alien, or by some die-hard fans, xenomorph
Appearances: Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien Resurrection, Alien vs. Predator, and Alien vs. Predator: Requiem
Does it have the face only a mother could love? Quite possibly. The Alien was created in a sketch by H.R. Giger, who was asked to design certain creatures from the Alien films. Not exactly a loveable creature, but yet it is loved by millions of fans around the globe.
The Alien starts off as a chestburster.

Obviously, not something you would want to be around. The chestburster is inserted into a host's body by a facehugger, whose purpose is to attach itself to a host's mouth, and deposit the alien into the body. From that point, the chestburster grows, until it's "birth" (bursting out of the host's chest, thus killing the host).
In a matter of hours, the chestburster grows into the Alien we all know and love. It stands at almost 7 feet tall, and is equipped with an arsenal of organic weapons.
The Alien, while being somewhat intelligent, is incredibly hostile, destroying anything they percieve as a threat. Also, no percieveable differences can be found to distinguish between genders.
Trademark Weapon: blood (extremely acidic), blade-tipped tails, extreme physical strength,acid
Moral of the Story: Never mess with an extraterrestrial
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