Saturday, May 14, 2011

Things I've Learned From Wrong Turn 2

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- To all the reality show producers out there, always make sure there aren't any cannibalistic hillbillies in the general area BEFORE you start filming your show.

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- Never take food roasting over an open fire in the woods. If it isn't yours, don't take it.

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- If you're too stupid to listen to the tip above, make sure you look for tattoos BEFORE you eat the random meat you find roasting over a fire.

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- Incest is a bad thing. If Home (X-Files) didn't show that, then just look at the picture above. Do you really want that kind of malformed baby?

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-Never go to West Virginia. Ever. Bad things happen in West Virginia.

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-Sexual favors to get screen an overused cliche. Also, put your clothes back on, bitch!

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-Don't ever stop to check if the guy you just ran over is okay. Chances are, he's an incestuous mutant, and will try to eat your face. And if he fails, the other mutants will just slice you in half. So, just KEEP DRIVING.