If you're reading this blog, you've most likely seen, or at least heard about the movie Grace. If not, go out and watch it before reading this.
Well, as most of you know, Grace is about a mother who goes to drastic lengths to take care of her newborn daughter, Grace. See, Grace is a bit...different from other newborns. While she looks and sounds like any other ankle-biter, she is special in a way no other baby can be. See, Grace isn't exactly.."alive", per say. She was "killed" while still in her mother's womb. It was only due to the mother's obsession and willpower that Grace was born.
The mother, Madeline, is also a wee bit different from most other mothers. For starters, she's a vegan. Like, obsessive vegan. Oh, and the fact that she and her midwife used to be lovers plays in as well. Imagine how hard it would be to be a vegan, then discover that your precious little baby needed blood to survive. And not just any blood. Human blood.
I won't explain any more, since it is really hard to explain. Besides, the majority of the horror community have already ranted and raved about this film for over a year now. But, go out and watch it. I'm sure that it will be something that you probably won't ever forget.
Scooby Snacks Awarded: 7/10
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