Last year, one of the most popular costumes (in my area at least), was a mask of Sarah Palin. Everywhere I looked, a Palin stood, holding out a bag for candy, or just standing on a street corner. Why? Seriously, there are much more creative costumes then dressing up as some idiotic politician that no one truly cares all that much about.
2. The Sexual Inuendo Costume
Why? Just...why? I mean, I get it. You're a couple, you have sex, that's all fine and dandy. But do you really need to flaunt that fact? really does get old.
3. The Jersey Shore Costume

Do you dress up as idiotic perverts because you're trying to make fun of their stupidiness? Or do you dress up as idiotic perverts because you yourself are an idiotic pervert?
My guess would be the latter.
4. The Lady Gaga Costume
I love Lady Gaga as much as the next person. Okay, maybe not, but that's beside the point. The point is, why are people dressing up like a hermaphrodite singing sensation? I'm still confused about this one.
5. The "I'm dressing up as a maid, but really just want to show off how big of a slut I am" Costume
Sluts are everywhere. I know that. But, why do they have to always show off that fact? I mean, we already know you're a whore, we really don't need to be reminded...
*Bonus Costume*

Isn't he adorable?!?!
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